Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time ~Oswald Chambers

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Today started off a little rough for Lia. She's definitely going through some grief and although it's a part of the process, it's just so heartbreaking to watch. When we were in China, she would occasionally go up to young Chinese women and hold out her arms to be picked up ( I think they reminded her of her nannies). And now there's very few people in her life who resemble those she knew the most. Nor does she hear the familiar sounds of the only language she's known. Just strange people making strange noises. At times, she's a little fussy and clings to me. But the hardest part is when you look over at her and she's as quiet as can be but her dark little eyes are filling with tears for no apparent reason. She's just plain sad.

She did have a better evening and that was good to see. It's hard for the kids, too, when she's sad, so I'm thankful for her playfulness tonight because it made them feel better, too. It's all a part of the ups and downs of adjusting.

We know can't rush her through this process but by His grace we pray we can continue to love her through it.

Some of her late afternoon smiles

And a close up

Playing with big brother Alex for a few minutes...this was very nice to see!

And when I say "big" brother, I mean it! Look how he dwarfs her!


  1. I'm sorry she is going through this pain but also so glad to hear it. At least we know she can attach to something. Yeah !!

  2. ah...I'm sure this is heart wrenching. It's tough to see your kids in pain no matter the reason! And there is no band-aid for this pain. I pray, like you that this process moves along quickly and thoroughly at the same time. And pray for strength and wisdom for you as you help her through it. Love, Lisa A

  3. Oh Angela, I feel for you and Lia as she goes through this! That is exactly what Kylie did in her initial grieving, but hers was while we were still in China. Watching those big eyes fill up with tears was heartbreaking, especially because the tears rolled with no sound. I know that you'll love her through this!

  4. Oh my gosh, this is pitiful!! I'm so happy to see her though! I've been loving all your postings & Brady LOVES the videos of the kids. He calls them by name! I'm trying to talk Chris into taking a road trip out there so we can see all the kids before my new one arrives. Keep being a good blogger b/c we love it! Hope to see all of you soon!

  5. And I forgot to mention how beautiful she is!! Those eyes made me melt...
    What size is she wearing?


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