Still wearing those 2T and 3T shorts from a while back.
Not sure when she'll ever be able to ride a roller coaster.
Or sit without a booster in the van.
But make no mistake.
The girl has spunk.
The other day I was watching her play an archery game on the Wii.
Don't let the sparkly headband and lacy top fool you.
She was in the zone.
She was undaunted even as her big sister coached her from the sidelines.
"I'm looking at you, looking at me, looking at you..."
And despite the distractions (and the crazy woman snapping pictures all around her)
success was hers for the taking.
And knowing her,
and just how much she enjoys a good challenge,
and a good fashion statement,
I fully expect her to enter the next round of competition
wearing her princess heels.
She is a que-T!!