Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time ~Oswald Chambers

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Another First

A few weeks back, we took Lily to a park for the first time.
While there we discovered that she had never been on a swing before.

Eight years old.
Without ever having had the chance to enjoy one of the greatest joys of childhood.

With a bit of coaching from her sisters, she learned to pump on her own.
And now?
I think it's safe to say the sky's the limit.


  1. Oh my heart broke for Lily just a little bit at the beginning of this post. But that she got to have that first with you guys? That's good stuff my friend! The sky is the limit for her!

  2. WOW! You go girl!

    When we got our boys (from Detroit) I handed them blank pieces of paper and some crayons they were CLUELESS as to what to do! SERIOUSLY? Yes, they couldn't just color a picture! Oh and puzzles...had never.ever done a puzzle!

  3. Way to go Lily!!! That is just one of many "first's" you will experience with that crew you have hooked up with!!!! Can't wait for you to visit the farm. Love You!!!

  4. I'm so with you girl, the boys didn't know either. They aren't too interested in learning how to pump on their own....but I guess that's biceps needed a workout or 12 anyway.

  5. Yeah, Lily!! Isn't it amazing what our kids have missed out on so far, and how wonderful to be able to see them enjoying things for the first time!

  6. Adorable picture! Love the joy on her face!

  7. Way to go Sweet Lilly! I am so glad you have such "great teachers" coaching you along the way. You will be learning and enjoying so much more. Hope you come to Newport News in the very Near future. I am missing you! Love Ya, Nana


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