Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time ~Oswald Chambers

Monday, May 18, 2009

Back to Super Hero Status...

A mere 48 hours after being diagnosed with a double ear infection, Super Alex is back on patrol keeping evil at bay once again and leaving many asking....

Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?
"No, it's just me, Awex..." (as he would say, the humble hero that he is)
Rest well, fair maiden...
Super Alex is back and better than ever.


  1. I'm quite at rest to know that Super Hero Awex is going to be living not too far away in the near future...

    So cute!

  2. I'm so glad your better "Awex!" You make I great superhero!

  3. Hi Sweetie, I just looked at your blog. Dad and I were sorry to hear about our fearless super 3 year old hero. Our sad he looked on Saturday, but how good it is to see the sparkle back in his sweet face. We are still praying that the virus is officially on its way out - never to return. Take care. I will call soon - as you know. Mom

  4. Glad to hear he's feeling better! How are things going, found a house yet?

  5. Glad he's back at it, I'm sure things were quite sad with no super Alex around.


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