Finally, before the suddenly not-so-pleasant smell of canned wildflowers knocked me unconscious I realized that two very small people hadn't been seen for some time.
Walking into the boys' bathroom I found one very determined Disney princess ballerina spraying enough aerosol into the atmosphere to do some serious ozone damage.
Words escaped me at the moment and all I could say was "Hmmmm...." to which she responded matter -of- factly "Awex did it" (can in hand, mind you).
He simply shrugged his shoulders and said sheepishly, "Actuawy, I did do it fuhst."
Around here, honesty doesn't necessarily get you off the hook.
But when combined with ridiculous amounts of cuteness it certainly helps.
Implicating himself at the "scene of the crime," I love it! And wildflowers do smell better than a boy's bathroom...