Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time ~Oswald Chambers

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Little Riddle...

...what goes CLOMP, CLOMP, swish, swish.....CLOMP, CLOMP, swish, swish?

That would be my Alex making his way down the stairs this morning in his brand new Lightning McQueen slippers.
He was up earlier than usual this morning as we were all preparing for our first day of co-op here in NC. Everyone had a class to attend (while Lia made new friends in the nursery) and I had one to teach. The day started out fairly normal as we left 10 minutes later than intended and I ended up with coffee stains on my pants and sweater before classes even started.
But all in all, things went well and the kids seemed to enjoy their time. Alex's teacher asked me after class what he wanted to be when he grew up. His usual answer these days is "a baseball player" but she thought he said during his presentation that he wanted to be Chief Justice. (Now will those of you who know this child pause with me for a moment and imagine Alex as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of just makes me smile to think of him wearing his flip flops ...if he's wearing any shoes at all...underneath that big black robe and sneaking a handful of fruit snacks in between cases). So anyway, we later figured out that he was saying "Jake Justice" (the Rescue Hero) which makes so much more sense. Apparently, though, he has no trouble with public speaking :)
He is now conked out in bed, recovering from his long day. I better go think about dinner before I once again hear the sounds of CLOMP, CLOMP. swish, swish coming down my stairs.


  1. So glad it went well! We were thinking about you!

  2. Wow! Chief Justice, Jake Justice, the boy has big aspirations and I can imagine him achieving them all...well, once he actually decides what they are exactly. What class are you teaching Mrs. Taylor? Happy to hear it went well, coffee stains, late departure and all.

  3. Dad and I do not know who is more amazing, you or our grandchildren. Just think - Alex as a "Supreme" fighter of justice of some sort. Wow, what a hero. Hope to see all soon. Love ya!!! Mom

  4. Jake Justice! I remember!! That was Isaac's favorite Rescue Hero, too! Wow! He's over it now-- and I'm pretty sure Jada would'nt take intrest in it!! Go Alex!!
    Miss you,

  5. I think I would feel safe with Alex as our Chief Justice! He's a "I got your back" kinda guy!


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