Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time ~Oswald Chambers

Saturday, January 17, 2009

On the Outside Looking In...For Now

This photo is a picture of the entrance to Lia's orphanage taken by another adoptive family some time ago.

It's where she has spent the first year and a half of her life and is probably all she has ever known.

As time continues to pass (much too slowly, in my opinion) while waiting for our travel approval, I have wished many times that we were able to make our own travel arrangements and just go. After all, she's right there! Right past that gate in one of those buildings!

It has been so encouraging watching all the families from our agency who are in China right now meeting their children for the first time. But it has also made me more than ready to get out of here and go get her and bring her home to where she was always meant to be.

Here's hoping it won't be too much longer.

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope." Psalm 130:5


  1. Angela--this must be the hardest part of the wait. We're not there yet, but can only imagine. It's definately when you feel control of the fact that you know who she is, you can prepare and get ready for her arrival in her home, but you have no control of the timing of your trip. Yet you know so much about her and the place she lives now. And you've been waiting so long. I'll pray you have peace in these final days, that your heart is full and you fill your days with thoughts of her and cherishing last moments with your other 4 amazing children as a family of 6...before you become a family of 7. Easier said than done...:) Hang in there--God is good and like that Psalm so elequently says, "He is your Hope"...he will provide, in the most perfect timing.

  2. I can picture this conversation so clearly, and will again pray (as in years gone by) that their faith with get stronger as their circumstances cause them anxiety. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oops- I was trying to comment on "little girls, big fears" :) Your blogging abilities are far superior to mine!!


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